IMAGE:[COURTESY]  Chief Magistrate Justice Lawrence Mugambi.

The court orders freezing the new generation ID cards called Maisha Namba have now been lifted.

Justice Lawrence Mugambi in his ruling said the government had proven that those who had applied for the cards would be adversely affected by the orders.

He said the government had proven that at least 10,000 Kenyans have been applying for the document every day, a clear demonstration that suspension of registration has an immediate adverse consequence on a very large population of people.

In the case, Human Rights group Haki na Sheria together with Katiba Institute had argued that at least 450 entities including the police will have unfettered access to data collected.

They added that the govenrment had not disclosed data sharing agreements with the 450 entities and had failed to provide data protection plan on the Maisha Namba which was still in the piloting stage. In calling for the liftin of the suspension orders, the Interior Ministry had agued that at least 1.2 million Kenyans had applied for the identification cards.