Cord leader Raila Odinga on Friday asked parliamentarians to stop passing laws “to rig elections”.
Speaking at the funeral of veteran politician John Keen at Namanga, Raila said that the opposition supports peaceful elections in 2017.
Raila said elections can only be peaceful if the government guarantees fairness and credibility in the August 8 vote.
“Wacheni kuleta sheria ya kuiba kura … (stop crafting laws for stealing elections)” Raila said.
“Waziri wa Usalama wa ndani Nkaissery, mambo ya silaha achana nayo kwa barracks… siasa watu wa piganie kwa mdomo..” Raila said.
(Interior CS Joseph Nkaissery, stop bringing guns on matters politics…leave them at the barracks…here we fight with our lips.)
“… semeni yenu pia sisi tuseme yetu. Na mwenye atasema maneno matamu atashinda. Kuna msemo inasema misemo mitamu itatoa nyoka mpagoni, Nyoka itatoka.”
(Speak out your ideologies and let us speak ours…the one who speaks well will win…there is an adage that says ‘sweet words forces the snake to leave its hole’)
The opposition leader said there cannot be peace without justice and that without truth there cannot be peace.
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